Reach consumers who mean business

Connect your brand with an audience of millions who are ready to buy and actively searching for nearby businesses.

Deliver ads to people who are ready to buy

Get in front of them while they’re deciding where to spend.

purchase from a business they found on Yelp1
of searches on Yelp are unbranded2
individual users visit Yelp each month3

Localized marketing at national scale

We help you craft campaigns that meet your overall sales goals, as well as specific goals for your different locations.

Increase revenue

Drive more sales at existing locations

Acquire customers

Drive traffic to new locations

Promote features

Advertise new outdoor dining options, etc.

Boost awareness

Test new regional menu items

We're different than other platforms

A typical Yelp user has disposable income (56.6% make over $100K4), and they come here specifically to find a local business to meet their needs.


People want to connect


People want to learn


People want to buy

Get started today

Please submit the form below to book an appointment with us, where you can talk with a Yelp for Brands expert to get advanced solutions, services, and support for your business.

"*" indicates required fields

1Based on a survey conducted by Yelp in August 2022. Methodology used ComScore demographics and people who reported having used Yelp in the prior 3 months.
2Yelp Internal Data, January 2021.
3Comscore, monthly average for 2024.
4Comscore age and income data via Media Metrix Multi-Platform report, as of June 2022. Based on users above the age of 18+.