It’s free to be on Yelp

  • Every day, more than 60,000 people seek quotes and consultations for home, auto, and other professional services on Yelp1
  • 83% of users hire or buy from businesses they discover on Yelp2
  • List your business and get found by customers searching for what you do

Get set up in minutes

Every day we send local leads to businesses like yours. Ready to join?

Over 60,000 requests

for quotes, appointments, consultations, or
other information are sent to businesses
on Yelp each day1

83% of users

hire or buy from a business
they found on Yelp2

80+ million people

visit Yelp each month to find restaurants,
home services, and more3

Yelp makes it easy to connect with new
customers and grow your business


Help people get to know you

Having a strong presence on Yelp helps you establish trust with potential customers. Manage your page for free or upgrade to stand out from the competition.

  • Update your business info so people can find you
  • Respond to reviews and messages as soon as they come in
  • Add photos to showcase the best of your business

Get 2.5x more leads with Yelp Ads

Get in front of more customers when they’re searching for local businesses like yours.

  • Prominent display on search and competitors’ pages
  • Target by location & keyword
  • Only pay when interested people click on your ad

Find the right solutions for your business

Restaurants and Nightlife

Turn searchers into diners and diners into regulars with marketing and front-of-house tools like Waitlist, Reservations, and Takeout.

Learn more

Home and Local Services

Grow your home and local services business with a range of solutions from Yelp that help attract more customers.

Learn more

National and Regional Brands

Explore Yelp’s solutions for national, regional, and franchise businesses including targeted local advertising, upgraded business pages, and dedicated support.

Learn more

Marketing & Advertising Agencies

Connect your clients with high purchase intent customers at scale. Join the Yelp Advertising Partner Program.

Learn more

Ready to get started? It's free, easy and only takes a few minutes.

1Based on a survey conducted by Yelp in August 2022. Methodology used: ComScore demographics and people who reported having used Yelp in the prior 3 months.
2Yelp internal data 2019.
3Comscore Media Metrix®, as of March 2022.