7 mortgage marketing ideas to reach the right borrowers

Getting a mortgage is an essential step for the majority of homebuyers in the United States. However, when it comes time to apply for a loan, borrowers have thousands of mortgage businesses to choose from and even more mortgage brokers and loan officers to work with. To stand out in the crowded marketplace, you need an effective mortgage marketing strategy that puts you in front of your target market. Here are seven mortgage marketing ideas that lenders and brokers can use to gain more leads.

7 mortgage marketing ideas: homebuyer signing mortgage contract

1. Offer helpful tips on social media

The mortgage process can be confusing for borrowers, whether they’re first-time homebuyers or purchasing their fifth property. Your mortgage business can take advantage of social media marketing by offering valuable, bite-sized resources that potential clients can use throughout their financing journey.

Prioritize the platforms your target audience uses—for instance, LinkedIn for real estate agents—and schedule regular social media posts that offer helpful tips, like what closing costs to expect or how to boost credit scores. You can further show off your expertise and build relationships with potential clients by answering questions in your comments section.

Brainstorm ways to get creative with your social media content to set your business apart. Consider sharing videos, infographics, checklists, and other forms of multimedia content to make your posts more engaging.

2. Create engaging email newsletters

Mortgage advisor on laptop

When you build your email list, you gain a list of mortgage leads you can regularly follow up with. However, potential clients won’t sign up for your email list without good reason. Creating a weekly or monthly newsletter filled with valuable insights about the mortgage industry—like current interest rates and trends—or in-depth tips for borrowers is a simple way to boost lead generation. To promote your email newsletter, share your sign-up form on other marketing channels, like your website and social media pages.

As your email list grows, you can send targeted email marketing campaigns on top of your email newsletters so your business stays top of mind. For example, you can schedule emails that promote your refinancing options to leads and clients who are current homeowners.

3. Build a network of referral partners

One of the most effective mortgage marketing ideas you can implement is building a referral network that funnels high-quality leads straight to you. Many mortgage lenders and brokers partner with realtors, escrow companies, and other businesses involved in the property-buying process to give each other exclusive referrals. The leads you get from your network will likely be actively in need of financing.

To build your network, you can use LinkedIn to find and reach out to potential partners who work in your service area. Invite them to chat about a partnership over the phone, a Zoom call, or an in-person meeting to determine if they’re a professional to whom you could confidently refer your clients and vice versa. You can also connect with potential partners at real estate networking events or through professional organizations.

4. Target long-tail keywords with blog posts

When potential clients are at the top of the sales funnel, they’re typically looking for answers, not specific companies. To stand out to mortgage leads early in their borrowing journey, publish blog posts that show up on the right search engine results pages (SERPs) and answer the exact questions they have.

Use a keyword research tool to identify common question keywords—like “how to refinance a mortgage” or “what is a loan originator”—that you can answer with an in-depth blog post. These keywords have less competition than general keywords (like “mortgage loans”), which means they’re easier to rank for and can increase your visibility when your content marketing materials are directly relevant to the query.

Along with including your target long-tail keyword throughout your blog posts, you can boost your SERP ranking by using other search engine optimization (SEO) tactics, like linking to other relevant pages on your site.

5. Develop a consistent brand

Homebuyers talking to mortgage broker

When your mortgage marketing plan feels consistent across every channel, from email and social media to search engines and beyond, your company becomes easier to remember. Just like Wells Fargo is recognized for its consistently red, white, and gold colors, your mortgage business can be recognized for its effective small business branding, which goes well beyond your visual brand elements.

Create brand guidelines that outline how you want your customers to perceive your company. Include details about your brand personality—for instance, determine whether your company should feel more cheerful, thoughtful, or serious—as well as your core values. As you build your mortgage marketing content, you can follow these templates and ensure all your campaigns feel true to your unique brand.

6. Host valuable virtual events

Odds are, you feel a much stronger connection to the people in your life than the brands you use. You can harness the power of human connection by putting a face to your company through virtual events. Consider hosting webinars, Q&As with mortgage loan officers, and other live events to offer value to your target market in highly interactive ways.

Virtual event software, like Demio and Facebook Online Events, even offer built-in digital marketing tools that allow you to capture mortgage leads through event registrations. This way, you can follow up with attendees long after your events end.

7. Respond to online reviews

No matter how effective your mortgage marketing campaigns might be, many borrowers will turn to online reviews to determine if they can really trust your brand. Creating a great customer experience—for example, by replying to questions quickly and efficiently—is the best way to inspire past clients to write a review about your business. You can also impress potential clients by responding promptly and professionally to every review.

When you add or claim your Yelp Business Page, you can get real-time notifications as soon as you receive a new review. This enables you to show just how attentive your business is by quickly crafting a thoughtful response, whether you’re thanking happy clients or responding to a critical review about how you’ll improve the customer experience in the future.

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Implement the best mortgage marketing ideas

To break out from the noise of your competitors—including those offering alternative financing options—you need an engaging mortgage marketing strategy that sets your business apart.

To become an industry leader, share helpful content on your blog, social media, and email newsletters, and use brand guidelines to make your company memorable and consistent. Then, keep building relationships with potential clients through live virtual events, where you can connect with mortgage leads in real time.

To further improve your reputation and drive more leads to your business, find ways to delight your current client base—like offering prompt service when they need your help—and respond to each online review you receive to show you care. Get more tips to nurture your leads so you can persuade more prospects to work with your mortgage business, whether they’re a first-time buyer or seasoned property owner.