More B2B sales for your brand
Explore advertising designed to connect your brand with your ideal B2B audience at Yelp for Brands.
Schedule a call to see customized ad solutions, trends, mockups, and projections specifically for your brand.

How it works
Connect your brand with engaged business decision makers
Business decision makers log into their business account on Yelp to manage their online presence, engage with their customers, and measure their leads.
Create your targeted audience comprised of these engaged B2B decision makers and segment by business category, business size, geographies, and more. Then, use Yelp Audiences to connect with your targeted B2B audience across web and CTV.

Track what matters
Measurement tools to help track store visits, transactions, and whatever other KPIs you’re focused on
Store visit measurement
Track ad-driven location visits using Yelp’s first party measurement tool, Yelp Store Visits, or third party partners like Cuebiq and Foursquare
Online actions
Track online actions, such as form fills, shopping cart starts, booked appointments, and transactions using Yelp Pixel
Track offline transactions resulting from your advertising with LiveRamp
Phone calls
Track ad-driven phone calls using Telmetrics
Target the right B2B contacts at scale
active business owner accounts on Yelp 1
business categories on Yelp 2
Dig into the details
Explore more about how Yelp ads help national brands like yours connect to targeted B2B audiences—from our media kit to video testimonials.
Let's connect
Get tailored recommendations designed to drive more visits to your brand‘s nearby locations.
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2Yelp data, 2024.