6 low-cost ways to generate appliance repair leads

Even the most high-end home appliances break down at some point and require repair. As an appliance repair business owner, you’re already an expert at diagnosing the problems they develop and fixing them, but to grow your small business, you also need to become an expert at attracting a steady stream of new customers. That means getting your hands on as many appliance repair leads as you can.

6 low-cost ways to generate appliance repair leads

Whether they’re homeowners or renters, everyone uses appliances on a daily basis. So when a stove, laundry machine, or refrigerator goes on the fritz, a household can be thrown into chaos. This means the potential pool of new appliance repair leads is enormous. What’s more, the cost of new appliances rose by 7.8% in 2022 alone, making it often more affordable to repair existing appliances than to buy new ones—and creating plenty of potential business for appliance repair services.

Why appliance repair marketing is a must for business success

For your appliance repair business to thrive, you need a constant source of customers, both repeat and new. That starts by generating high-quality appliance repair leads, then moving them through your sales funnel so you’re poised to close the deal the moment they need you.

It’s also important to stay in touch with existing, satisfied customers so they will think of you first when their fridge goes haywire or their washing machine starts leaking soapy water all over their laundry room floor. Repeat customers are excellent for your bottom line because it’s much easier to sell your services to someone who’s used them before.

How to get appliance repair leads

There are a number of paid and free options for getting appliance repair leads. You could hire a marketing company to put together marketing strategies designed to increase appliance repair lead generation. These might include website design, content marketing, or pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.

Another option is to hire a lead generation company to find leads for you. If you choose this route, research your options thoroughly to ensure you’re getting up-to-date, exclusive appliance repair leads rather than cold or shared leads that other companies have already contacted.

Fortunately, there’s a lot you can also do to get those appliance repair calls coming in without spending a fortune on marketing or iffy leads from paid services. Here are six low-cost online and offline ways to attract new customers—and stay top of mind with your existing clients—so you’re the first person they call when they need help.

6 lead generation strategies for your appliance repair business

Appliance repair leads: Specialist repairing a clothes dryerEach of these appliance repair lead generation strategies can be used on its own. However, using a combination of these options can increase your reach. For example, you could use social media to gather leads online and also network in person with local complementary business owners or landlord associations. Pick the options that best suit your situation to put together an effective marketing strategy.

1. Update your website to increase your lead generation

Most people start their search for local services on the internet—in fact, 78% search online for local businesses more than once a week. As such, it’s worth investing some time and effort in your small business web design. You can build a free website yourself or find someone on low-cost sites like Upwork or Fiverr to do it for you.

Either way, be sure your appliance repair website looks professional and is user-friendly so potential customers can easily find the information they’re looking for. At the minimum, include details on who you are, the services you offer, your service area, and how to contact you.

For more impact, highlight the ways your brand stands out from other similar service companies in your region. For example, perhaps your techs specialize in fixing a particular type of appliance, or you offer an extended warranty on your work that competitors don’t provide. Or maybe you offer payment plans or accept checks in addition to credit cards. Also include case studies and testimonials from previous customers to build credibility.

To proactively gather appliance repair leads via your website, include a pop-up contact form that invites visitors who need your services to leave their phone number or email address (ask your web provider how to do this). You can then follow up with an email or a phone call to get more details on the job and give them a quote.

2. Let word-of-mouth marketing sell your services

The vast majority (93%) of people trust the opinions of family, friends, and colleagues when it comes to brands and services. To encourage recommendations through word-of-mouth marketing, set up a referral program that rewards satisfied customers for sending others to you. For instance, you could give both the referring customer and the referral a voucher for 10% off their next appliance repair job.

Of course, you won’t have satisfied customers who will refer others to you if your services aren’t top notch. Customer satisfaction starts from your first interaction with a new lead and continues all the way through until the job is done, including any necessary follow-up services.

3. Get listed on online directories and review sites

Another way to gather appliance repair leads through word-of-mouth marketing is to add your business listing to online directories and review sites. These websites will appear in search results when prospective customers are looking for a business to work with, so be sure your information is accurate, updated, and detailed. When you claim your free Yelp Business Page, you can add your business details, a description of what you do, and photos to showcase your work (and the people behind it).

What’s more, your Yelp Business Page offers a space for customers to leave online reviews. This helps people see what type of experiences others have had with your business (and what they can expect if they choose you). Whether the reviews are positive or critical, be sure to respond promptly as a way to demonstrate your level of customer service and personalized attention to feedback.

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4. Use social media to stay in touch and attract new interest

Social media marketing is a good way to stay connected with current customers. If you’re regularly popping up in their feeds, they’re more likely to remember you when their dryer or dishwasher breaks down.

You don’t need to be on every social platform to attract appliance repair leads—simply pick one or two. Include your contact details and some background information about your company. Share your social media details on your website, in your emails, and in any documents you give your customers—like quotes or invoices—inviting customers to follow you.

Here are some ideas for simple yet regular posts:

  • Let your followers know about any new services or specials, such as a discount on washer and dryer installations when they’re done at the same time
  • Introduce new staff members who join your company to make a more personal, human connection with your audience
  • Answer frequently asked questions, such as “How often should I service my dishwasher?”
  • Share photos of completed jobs along with testimonials from satisfied customers

5. Partner with complementary businesses to support the local community

While internet marketing services can certainly be effective at generating appliance repair leads, the human element can be just as powerful. Creating partnerships with other service businesses can benefit both you and them.

For example, you could network with local real estate agents and ask them to pass your business card to new homeowners who might need your services. In exchange, you’ll give the agent a small commission for completed jobs. Or you can ask the local library or community center to display an advertisement on their bulletin board in exchange for fixing their staff fridge.

Commercial property owners are another good source of leads, as they are responsible for their tenants’ appliances and many own multiple properties. Contact your local landlord associations and ask to be considered as their go-to for appliance repair.

Take the time to meet and greet the owners and staff of complementary businesses in your local area whenever you get the opportunity. Either visit their premises to introduce yourself or connect with them at community events or through mutual acquaintances.

6. Implement search engine optimization (SEO) so potential customers can find you

When you use search engine optimization tactics on your website content and social media posts, they’re more likely to appear higher up on the results pages of search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing. This makes it easier for customers to find you when they’re looking for the services you offer.

Use free keyword research tools to find the phrases that potential customers might type into search engines, and include those keywords on your website and social media posts. You likely don’t want to travel too far, so include your service area in the keywords. For example, “appliance installation and repair Baltimore,” “stove maintenance South Shore Long Island,” or “Boise microwave repair.” You can also perform a local SEO audit to maximize your chances of reaching your target market.

The key is ensuring your content is helpful, authentic, and unique while naturally weaving in the target keywords. Your SEO efforts will also take time, so post consistently to continue the growth of your content reach.

Appliance repair leads: Repair man fixing a broken dishwasher

New leads get your appliance repair company on the map

Using a combination of low-cost online and offline marketing techniques can help you attract new customers and retain existing ones.

Start by making sure you have a standout website that collects contact details from potential customers and helps convert visitors to paying customers. Use social media to generate interest from new and current customers, and implement SEO tactics to boost your online presence on search engines.

Don’t forget to take advantage of the more human element too. Create partnerships with complementary businesses or organizations and make the most of word of mouth through personal referrals. You can also add your business listing to online directories and review sites like Yelp and respond personally to customer reviews.

To keep your lead-generation efforts going, try these low-cost ideas to promote your business—especially helpful on a limited budget.