Study shows high-intent consumers are contacting businesses quickly on Yelp

Infographic: 74+ million people visit Yelp each month looking for businesses

74+ million people visit Yelp each month looking for businesses of all types1—from plumbers to hair salons—and these customers are ready to connect: 57% of users contact a business they found on Yelp within a day, according to a Yelp survey.2

But before they decide on a business, 90% of people on Yelp are comparing their options.2 How can you stand out from the competition and attract those prospects?

Infographic: Businesses with Yelp Ads get 2.5 times more leads

  1. Make sure your page is complete.
    Potential customers want to know everything about your business as they decide where to spend their money, so be sure your page gives them all the important details. Businesses with a photo, website, phone number, and business hours listed on their Yelp Business Page averaged 7.6x more page views per month than businesses without that content.3

    Plus consider the Upgrade Package, which includes additional tools that can help your page stand out—from Yelp Connect (create posts that Yelp promotes) to Slideshow (choose the order of your page’s photos). When shown two businesses side-by-side in search, 95% of Yelp users said they’d choose the business with Upgrade Package features over the one without.2

  2. Try Yelp Ads.
    With Yelp Ads, your business is displayed in a number of key places on the site and app including above relevant search results and on your competitors’ pages. This means customers are more likely to find you while searching for the services you offer—and more people finding you means more leads for your business: Businesses with Yelp Ads get 2.5x more leads.4

Get more leads

Reach more customers with placements on search and competitors' pages.

Start Yelp Ads

Most customer searches are by service or product, not business name

Infographic: 8 out of every 10 searches for businesses on Yelp don't include a specific business name

Customers are searching on Yelp to find new businesses—perhaps they weren’t satisfied with their last electrician, or maybe they moved states and are looking for a local tax accountant. They have a need but aren’t sure exactly who they’ll do business with—in fact, eight out of 10 searches on Yelp don’t include a specific business name5; instead, customers are searching for a product or service, like plumbing repair or a pediatric dentist. When your Yelp Page is complete and displayed in key places on Yelp, it gives you the opportunity to capture these new customers as they shop around to see which business best suits their project or service needs.

Customers are also looking for businesses they can trust. 82% of users say they’re more likely to choose a business that has a Verified License badge on Yelp versus a business that does not.2

Customers are doing more than just browsing Yelp

Customers aren’t passively looking around on Yelp, they’re engaging. Users have posted 244 million cumulative reviews on Yelp6, and many of them are using Yelp while they’re on the go—33 million devices have the Yelp app installed.

Infographic: Businesses that respond to messages and requests within 24 hours get 3 times more messages and requests

Customers are also looking to get in touch with businesses directly. Over 60,000 new requests for quotes, consultations or other messages are sent to businesses on Yelp every day.8 The trick to getting your share of those leads?

Respond quicklyBusinesses that respond to messages and requests within 24 hours get 3x more messages and requests.9

Infographic: 83% of users hire or buy from a business they found on Yelp

Ultimately, a majority of customers end their business search on Yelp: 83% of users hire or buy from a business they found on Yelp2, making your Yelp Page a powerful marketing engine. Be sure you’re fully maximizing your online presence on Yelp with a complete, accurate page that shows up in the places where millions of customers are actively searching.

Get found for free

Show up for any of the millions of customers on Yelp searching for a business like yours.

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1 Comscore, monthly average for 2023.
2 Based on a survey conducted by Yelp in August 2022. Methodology usedComScore demographics and people who reported having used Yelp in the prior 3 months.
3 Yelp Internal Data, 2022. Based on an analysis of businesses that added a photo, URL, phone number and business hours to their business page between March 2021- March 2022.
4 Yelp Internal Data, 2022. Based on the average number of leads for businesses that bought Yelp Ads versus those that did not between March 2021 – February 2022.
5 Yelp Internal Data, January 2021.
6 Yelp Internal Data, 2021. As of December 31, 2021. Yelp users have contributed a total of 244 million cumulative reviews. Contributed reviews include those that are recommended, not recommended, or removed from Yelp’s platform.
7 Yelp Internal Data, 2021. Based on the monthly average for 2021.
8 Yelp Internal Data, 2022. Based on an analysis conducted between April 2021 and April 2022.
9 Yelp Internal Data, 2022. Based on an analysis of the average response time for businesses that responded to messages and requests within 24 hours between April 2021 and April 2022.